Google Dorking Cheat Sheet 2024 (Commands List & Tricks)


Thanks to technological advancements, we can find any information on Google. We can use Google search engine to seek any data, resources, and information. No wonder Google has made our lives so easier and hassle-free.

However, there is still a lot of data on Google that we don’t know about. Using a hacking technique called Google Dorking, we can find hidden information within minutes. Many hackers use it to hack into sensitive data and collect crucial information. Hence, it is important for ethical hackers to understand what is Google Dorking and gain a fair understanding to prevent such attacks. 

In this blog post, we will learn about the Google hacker database, Google Dorking commands, and more in detail.

What is Google Dorking?

Google Dorking, or Google Hacking, means using Google search-hacking techniques to hack into sensitive information and sites that are not available in public search results. 

Google Dorking involves using advanced search operators and specific keywords to narrow down search results and discover potentially vulnerable websites, exposed data, or other valuable information. 

For example, users can click on various tags, such as sites or images, to extract information or images from a website. They can also use a Google Dork cheat sheet containing different commands to get specific search results. 

The Google Dorking technique is often used by security professionals, hackers, and researchers to uncover sensitive or hidden information on the internet.

Examples of Google Dorking

Some common examples of Google Dorking queries include:

  • Finding specific file types

You can search for specific file types, such as PDFs, spreadsheets, or databases, using queries like “filetype:pdf” or “filetype:xls.”

  • Locating login pages

Queries like “inurl:login” or “intitle:login” can help you find websites with login pages that may be vulnerable to security exploits.

  • Identifying vulnerable devices 

Searches like “intitle:webcamxp inurl:8080” can reveal webcams or other devices with known vulnerabilities.

  • Discovering exposed directories

Queries like “intitle:index.of” can help you find open directories on web servers that may contain sensitive information.

  • Finding specific information on a website

You can use queries to search within a specific website, like “ keyword” to find information on a particular domain.

What is Google Dorking Used For?

Google Dorking can be used for various purposes, both legitimate and potentially malicious, depending on the intent of the user. 

Here are some common uses of Google Dorking:

1. Information Gathering

Security professionals and researchers use Google Dorking to gather information about websites, servers, and online assets. This can help identify vulnerabilities, assess the security of web applications, and uncover potential threats.

2. Vulnerability Assessment

Security experts may use Google Dorking to identify websites or systems that have known vulnerabilities. This information can be used to alert website owners or organizations to security issues that need to be addressed.

3. Competitive Intelligence

Companies may use Google Dorking to gain insights into the online presence and strategies of their competitors. This can involve finding hidden web pages, identifying keywords, or uncovering marketing tactics.

4. Academic Research

Researchers and academics may use Google Dorking to discover information for their studies and investigations. It can be a valuable tool for finding publicly accessible data and resources.

5. Website Administration

Website administrators and owners can use Google Dorking to check the indexability of their site’s content, monitor search engine rankings, and assess the visibility of their web pages.

6. Content Discovery

Content creators and bloggers may use Google Dorking to find specific types of content, such as PDFs, images, or research papers, that are relevant to their work.

7. Cybersecurity and Penetration Testing

Ethical hackers and penetration testers use Google Dorking to identify potential entry points and vulnerabilities in systems and websites as part of security assessments. This helps organizations strengthen their security measures.

8. Privacy Awareness

Individuals concerned about their online privacy may use Google Dorking to see what personal information or data is publicly accessible through search engines and take steps to protect their online presence.

Google Dork Cheatsheet (Commands List)

A Google Dorking cheatsheet is a quick reference guide that provides a list of commonly used Google Dorking commands and operators. Here’s a Google Dork cheat sheet for your reference:

PurposeGoogle Dorking Command
Find Microsoft Word documentsfiletype:doc
Find text documentsfiletype:txt
Find PowerPoint presentationsfiletype:ppt
Find PDF filesfiletype:pdf
Find Excel spreadsheetsfiletype:xls
Find open directories on web serversintitle:”Index of /”
Find Apache default pagesintitle:”Apache2 Debian Default Page”
Find Nginx default pagesintitle:”Welcome to nginx!”
Find open IIS serversintitle:”Welcome to IIS”
Search for login pagesintitle:”Login” or intitle:”Log In”
Search for directory listingsintitle:”Index of /” or intitle:”Browse Directory”
Find exposed configuration filesintitle:”config.json”
Identify exposed Git repositoriesintitle:”index of” inurl:.git
Find vulnerable Apache Tomcat installationsintitle:”Apache Tomcat” intitle:”Administration”
Discover open Jenkins instancesintitle:”Dashboard [Jenkins]”
Search for exposed Subversion repositoriesintitle:”Index of /svn”
Find open phpMyAdmin installationsintitle:”phpMyAdmin” or intext:”phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump”
Locate exposed Microsoft SharePoint documentsintitle:”Microsoft SharePoint” intext:”Sign in to SharePoint”
Find exposed Redis serversintitle:”Redis” intext:”Server Information”
Search for open Elasticsearch instancesintitle:”Elasticsearch Head”
Discover exposed MongoDB databasesintitle:”MongoDB Server Information”
Identify open CouchDB instancesintitle:”CouchDB – Welcome”
Search for exposed Memcached serversintitle:”Memcached Server Information”
Find open RDP serversintitle:”remote desktop inurl:rdweb”
Locate exposed VNC serversintitle:”VNC viewer for Java”
Find open Telnet serversintitle:”welcome to” intext:”telnet”
Search for exposed SNMP devicesintitle:”welcome to” intext:”snmp”
Find open SMB sharesintitle:”Index of /smb.conf”
Identify open FTP serversintitle:”Index of /ftp”
Search for open NFS sharesintitle:”Index of /exports”
Find open network printersintext:”printer meter”
Search for open VoIP systemsintitle:”Asterisk Management Portal”
Identify exposed AXIS camerasintitle:”Live View / – AXIS”
Discover unsecured webcamsintitle:”webcamXP 5″ inurl:8080
Find open Linksys webcamsintitle:”Linksys Viewer – Login” -inurl:mainFrame
Search for exposed D-Link webcamsintitle:”D-Link” inurl:”/video.htm”
Find open Panasonic IP camerasintitle:”Panasonic Network Camera”
Locate open Foscam camerasintitle:”Foscam” intext:”user login”
Identify open Samsung Smart TVsintext:”SMART TV” inurl:password.txt
Search for open Netgear routersintitle:”Netgear” intext:”NETGEAR”
Discover open Ubiquiti devicesintext:”Ubiquiti” intitle:”AirOS”
Search for open MikroTik routersintext:”MikroTik RouterOS” inurl:winbox
Find exposed Siemens SCADA systemsintitle:”Siemens SIMATIC” intext:”Web Server” -inurl:/portal
Locate open Schneider Electric systemsintext:”Schneider Electric” intitle:”PowerLogic Web-
Search for exposed Johnson Controls systemsintitle:”Johnson Controls – WorkPlace” intext:”User name :”

Advanced Google Dorking Commands and Operators

Along with several Google Dork commands and operators, there are some advanced combinations of operators too that you can use to filter search results to maximize efficiency. 

However, you can refer to the Google Hacker database to avoid typing these operators and combinations every time to search for any information. This database contains hundreds of combinations of multiple and advanced operators. 

1. Searching for Vulnerable Webcams

Find webcams with known vulnerabilities: 

intitle:"D-Link" inurl:"/view.htm"

2. Finding Open Elasticsearch Instances with Specific Data

Search for Elasticsearch instances containing specific data: 

intext:"kibana" intitle:"Kibana"

3. Exploring Open MongoDB Instances with Authentication Bypass

Search for MongoDB instances without authentication: 

intext:"MongoDB Server Information" intitle:"MongoDB" -intext:"MongoDB Server Version"

4. Identifying Exposed OpenCV Instances

Search for OpenCV instances with exposed data: 

intitle:"OpenCV Server" inurl:"/cgi-bin/guestimage.html"

5. Finding Exposed InfluxDB Instances

Search for InfluxDB instances with default configurations: 

intitle:"InfluxDB - Admin Interface"

6. Locating Exposed RabbitMQ Management Interfaces

Search for RabbitMQ management interfaces: 

intitle:"RabbitMQ Management"

7. Discovering Exposed Jenkins Builds

Search for Jenkins builds with specific information: 

intitle:"Console Output" intext:"Finished: SUCCESS"

8. Finding Exposed Grafana Dashboards

Search for Grafana dashboards: 

intitle:"Grafana" inurl:"/dashboard/db"

9. Exploring Open NVIDIA Jetson Devices

Search for NVIDIA Jetson devices with open ports: 

intitle:"NVIDIA Jetson" intext:"NVIDIA Jetson"

10. Locating Open Fortinet Devices

Search for Fortinet devices with open interfaces: 

intext:"FortiGate Console" intitle:"Dashboard"

11. Discovering Exposed OpenEMR Installations

Search for OpenEMR installations with specific data: 

intitle:"OpenEMR Login" inurl:"/interface"

12. Finding Exposed Jenkins Script Console:

Search for Jenkins script consoles with default credentials: 

intitle:"Jenkins Script Console" intext:"Run groovy script"

These advanced commands for Google dorking can be useful for specific security assessments and research purposes. Always ensure you have proper authorization and follow ethical guidelines when using advanced Google Dorking commands. Unauthorized or malicious use can have serious legal and ethical consequences.

Google Dorking Tools

Google Dorking tools are software or scripts designed to automate the process of searching for specific information using Google Dorking queries. These tools can help security professionals, researchers, and ethical hackers efficiently discover vulnerabilities and sensitive information on the internet. 

Here are a few Google Dorking tools and resources:

  • Google Hacking Database (GHDB) 

The GHDB is a collection of Google Dorking queries and examples created and maintained by the security community. It serves as a reference for finding information on the internet, including vulnerabilities and exposed data. You can access it at

  • Google Dorks Tool 

There are various open-source and commercial tools available that facilitate Google Dorking. These tools often provide a user-friendly interface for constructing and executing Dorking queries. Examples include “DorkMe” and “Google Hacking Database Scraper.”

  • Shodan

While not specifically a Google Dorking tool, Shodan is a search engine that focuses on finding internet-connected devices and services. It can be used to discover open ports, exposed services, and vulnerable devices. Shodan provides its own set of search operators to find specific information.

  • Custom Scripts and Automation

Some security professionals and researchers develop custom scripts or automation tools to conduct Google Dorking searches tailored to their specific needs. These scripts can help streamline the process of searching for vulnerabilities and exposed data.

  • Online Vulnerability Scanners

Some web vulnerability scanners incorporate Google Dorking functionality as part of their scanning process. These scanners can automatically use Dorking queries to identify potential security issues on websites and web applications.

Many penetration testing frameworks, such as Metasploit and Burp Suite, include modules or extensions that allow security professionals to integrate Google Dorking into their assessments.